In order to showcase the work we do at YDM, we started a new series on our blog called “A Day in the Life.” In this post, we will walk through the day of Laura Wyatt, our Interactive/Web Manager. Laura earned a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech.
So, what exactly does an Interactive/Web Manager do? In short, Laura helps design and develop our clients’ websites. She works with clients to design an online presence that’s user-friendly and effective in terms of gaining conversions or increasing brand awareness. She works hand in hand with our creative team to ensure that our designs are in sync with the clients’ brand message and vision and are also visually appealing. Once we move past a visual approval, she develops the website (yup, she’s a code wiz!) as efficiently as possible. She also analyzes visitor data, formulates online rollout strategies for clients’ strategic plans and estimates project costs for new client builds.
Laura has been with Yellow Duck for six years this June, but she has been working with code for about 11 years.
Here’s a look at Laura’s typical workday (pre-COVID 19 quarantine), in her own words:
Day-in, day-out my days are pretty routine (which I love!). It may seem boring to some people, but I’m the type that loves being in my zone, knowing what to expect and GSD.
6:30am – 8:30am – Before I even set foot in the office, I’ve dressed, fed and loved on my preschooler before dropping him off at a neighborhood daycare. He LOVES his school and his friends, which makes my husband and me so happy and reduces that working-parent guilt tremendously! However, with another little one on the way, this 2-hour window is about to get jam-packed. Oh, I also dress and feed myself – yay, me!
8:30am – Catch up on emails, address any that require responses, and prioritize my day. I’m fortunate not to have too many meetings in a typical workday which makes my little introvert heart happy. I find that having clear priorities for the day makes me more efficient and task-oriented instead of not knowing where to start.
9:00am – Get started! Whether it’s diving into a web project that’s ready for development or concepting a new homepage mockup, I’ll put my headphones on and find my workflow Zen. Finding a happy balance between a visually beautiful site, one that functions properly and is easy for users to navigate is a little like vinyasa yoga – a smooth, seamless interaction that just feels good. (is that too much of a stretch? hah. puns)
12:00pm – If I can make it this long, I’ll break for lunch. I’m currently 8 months pregnant, so it’s very likely that I’ve had a snack (or two) well before noon. I typically eat lunch at my desk and continue working to optimize my time in the office.
12:50pm – 5:00pm – Design, develop, delegate – Katie and I work very closely on web projects, and we’ll use some time during the afternoon to work together on development to hone her skills further. Any remaining time will be used to continue making progress on the ever-growing to-do lists and catch up with the team (usually v interesting and intense conversations about closet organization and weekly menu planning)!
5:15pm – I switch roles and put my mom hat back on. I plan my day so I’m home early in the evenings with plenty of time for dinner, baths and bedtime stories while still being accessible to the team if issues arise after hours or questions need to be answered.
*All day. I’ll frequently receive emails from clients which require a quick task here and there. It’s not often that something derails my plan for the day, but as with most jobs, it’s important to be flexible.
What tools and tips do you have that can help the role that you’re in be successful?
Being organized. I’m definitely a Type A personality and everything has its place. I keep to-do lists (daily and weekly) which help me stay on task and on track to meet deadlines. I keep a slim inbox (currently 2 read emails) and a clean desktop so it’s easy to find files and messages quickly.
A good playlist. Although I love my coworkers dearly, I can easily get distracted by sidebar conversations (see above). You’ll often find me with headphones on listening to an upbeat indie playlist since most of my work requires a high level of focus and concentration.
Laura creates her ideas by using Adobe XD for mockups and prototypes and WordPress and Dreamweaver for development. Here are some skills that Laura believes you need for this role:
- Personal skills: Focus, determination, communication
- Programming-related skills: UX design, HTML, PHP, CSS, jQuery/JavaScript
Laura’s inspiration folder is always growing and changing, but right now her design crush is Amber Asay.
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