Have you ever seen or heard an ad and said, “Wow — thank you!” Neither have we. In fact, most of us are willing to pay a premium to avoid ads. Apple Music, Netflix, or Amazon Prime, anyone? Believe it or not, there are advertising and marketing platforms people actually want and will even thank you for it: branded merchandise and apparel.
You don’t have to run screaming with the t-shirt cannon in hand to appreciate the impact branded merchandise can have on an audience. Arguably, most of your clients aren’t whipped-up in a game day frenzy, aren’t interested in an oversized tee and don’t respond well to things being hurtled in their general direction. But most everyone can appreciate a thoughtfully chosen item that’s practical or fun to use.
The Dunstan Group specializes in helping businesses and nonprofits of all sizes select the kind of branded merchandise and apparel products that check those boxes. (And yes, they can do the boxes, too.) Here are five favorites we love right now!
It’s been said that drinkware in hand is a fashion accessory with the marketing message in plain view. It’s hard to argue that’s not true. And with every use and re-use, your company’s brand is front and center for everyone to see.
Employee Onboarding Kit
New or returning employees will immediately feel like they’re part of the team with customized bundles that provide day-to-day functionality. From desk sets to electronics, pens, journals – and yes, coffee mugs – they’ll be ready to roll.
Golf Cart Phone Caddy
This golf cart phone caddy is one of the hottest branded items on the links this summer. Things got hotter when YDM client Greg Olsen’s The HEARTest Yard chose this one for their 2021 charity golf tournament.
Pop-Open Cards
Talk about a gift that keeps on giving. Inspiring messages, thank you notes and encouraging words can be delivered on the daily with these Pop-Open Cards. Fully customizable boxes make this one even more personal.
Reusable Bags
Do promotional products provide real ROI? Bags alone deliver a whopping 1,000 impressions per $1 spent! That’s twice as many as billboards, the closest of any traditional media platforms. For groceries, books, workout gear and more – they’re proven winners.
Want more great ideas to “wow” your clients, team members, or fans? Reach out to us or The Dunstan Group. If you need ammo for your t-shirt cannon, we can help there, too!
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